National Apprenticeship Week – 10-14 February 2025 | Leading the way in Disability Inclusion with Minstead Trust
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Frequently Asked Questions

Here we’ve put together a selection of frequently asked questions. If you don’t find your answer below, get in touch via our contact form.

Questions asked by learners

An apprenticeship is work-based training. Becoming an apprentice means having a job that will include gaining recognised qualifications and essential skills whilst working, learning, and earning a monthly wage.

As an apprentice, you’ll:

  • Be an employee earning a wage and getting holiday pay
  • Work alongside experienced staff
  • Gain job-specific skills
  • Get time for training and study related to your role
  • Apprenticeships take 1 to 5 years to complete depending on their level.

Questions asked by employers:

Apprentices are like any other employee – you would pay their wages and provide on-the-job training.

A training provider would usually deliver off-the-job training, and you should ensure they have a minimum of 6 hours per week allocated to completing coursework, as set by their tutor.

General questions about employment:

If you’re working for an employer under a contract of service (even if you’ve only just started and you have done some work), you’re entitled to Statutory Sick Pay (SSP) if the following apply:

  • You’re sick for at least four days in a row (including weekends and bank holidays and days that you do not usually work)
  • You have average weekly earnings of at least £112 a week. Your average weekly earnings are worked out by using your payments eight weeks before your sickness began.

What happens if you can’t get SSP?

If you cannot get SSP or SSP has ended, your employer must fill in form SSP1 and give this to you. On the form, your employer must say why SSP has not been paid, why it is ending, and the last payment date. Form SSP1 supports a claim for Employment and Support Allowance (ESA). Your employer must give this form to you as soon as possible. Without the information on the form, a decision on your entitlement to ESA cannot be made, which may delay payment.

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